Thursday, January 2, 2014

My sketches

First time writing Architectural writing , these are what i am practicing to write.
Perspective drawing technique . I had practiced how to sketch a perspective drawing of a comfortable chair


This is the first time i try to do my own portrait sketches practise.

After a few times practice , finally my sketches improved.

Practicing sketches by many types of hatching method.

First time sketches drawing of 2 live people standing in front of me and i have to draw them in different pose within 2 minutes to 3 minutes . The sketches show the process of 2 couple who are quarreling and lastly friend back again .

Live sketching in Langkawi trip just in 30 minutes to complete it .
 The left hand side shows the original picture of the eagle statue where as the right hand side drawing is sketches by me.

These are my practice sketching of an object when i was free.  


Thursday, December 26, 2013


The theme for the Performance Night is "THE LOST KINGDOM " . In line of this theme , each major-based group should represent the specific Nunsatara Kingdom such as :

  1. Architecture - Srivijaya
  2. Interior Design - Singhasari
  3. Urban and Regional Planning - Langkasuka
  4. Quantity Surveying - Majapahit
  5. Building Surveying - Pagaruyung
  6. Building Technology - Mataram
  7. Construction Management - Demak  

For Quantity surveying :


Now , i am recalling back what i had learnt in HBP integrated studio in these 3 months time . From the first project which is drawing our own portrait and create our own logo until the last project that is Award Night and Performance night  , i had learnt a lot from this studio just in short period . At the first time receiving the assignment , i felt so stressful due to the facts that i was not talented in drawing at all and i had a negative thinking that i will drop out from this University. But fortunately , my parents and my friends had advice me to think positive . And i am not regret at all because now i felt that taking Integrated Studio is quit fun and i have become more interested in drawing now . This is because like making our own sculpture , we need to think what kind of materials have to be used and what kind of shape have to be formed. It is actually a challenges for me and i do not think that it is very difficult .

From what i had observed , doing project in group form is very interesting like comfortable chair and the Amphitheatre stage . Especially for the project 6 Amphitheatre Stage , it contained 7 major and everyone has their own skilled and creativity . From this , i had learnt more things from them like how to create a stage , doing report and surveying the price of materials . My group members are friendly and caring ,i say so is because they will share what knowledge they have and they will help others if there is a problem .  

Last but not least , i would like to thank my dearest Studio Master , family and friends who always support me cum giving me advises when i faced problems . Thank you very much .


 Here's the Exhibition day comes and tonight our title is 'floating lines'.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


The theme for this year exhibition is 'Floating lines ". 

Floating line concept actually is quit easy to shown out because in our everyday life , there are something sure got show out any object tha are floating .

 We QS with the spirit of team work have completely decorating the exhibition site.


When i saw my drawing , I felt so proud with it because i had drawn it until midnight for a few days . 

Finally , the second day comes and our exhibition started.